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Hidden in Plain Sight

person behind a mask for the hidden job marketThere is no such thing as a hidden job market. There, I said it.

I’m subscribed to an email newsletter, and the last one I got had two articles that caught my eye. One promised to ‘dispel modern job search myths’. Another offered the chance to learn how to ‘hack the hidden job market’.

Oh … the irony. The hidden job market is a myth. Read More

Body Language: What messages are you sending?

figure showing body language in an interviewBody language is an important consideration in a job interview. Yours, primarily, but also that of your interviewers. I’d like to share with you a few of the main things you should focus on. These are all elements of body language that can influence decisions about candidates. Decisions that – in some cases – can make a difference between going on to additional interviews (and a possible hire) … or not. Read More

Group Chat

three chairs for panel interviewsThe majority of interviews are one-one-one, with one candidate sitting across a desk from one recruiter who’s interviewing people for a position. At some point in your career, though, you may find yourself in a panel interview – looking across a table at two or more interviewers. The experience can be a bit unnerving if you’ve never been in that situation before. Read More

Strong Suits and Weak Links

chain links for strengths and weaknessesIf there are two questions I can almost guarantee you’ll be asked in every interview, it’s the ones asking you to describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses. If you’re actively interviewing, you shouldn’t even have to think about your answers; they should roll off the tongue as readily as your own name. That said, there are ways to answer these questions that are better than others. Read More

Even a Monkey Knows …

monkey in the treesEven a monkey knows that it’s only fair to offer equal pay for equal work. How come some employers can’t figure it out?

There are some interesting shifts happening right now in the way people are paid for the work they do. I’m not sure where it will leave everyone when it all comes out in the wash. In the meantime, it’s creating confusing and conflicting situations for employees and employers alike, and creating a logistical nightmare for HR professionals. Read More